So I hope everybody had a good Labor Day weekend. We, well, labored for ours. When ELSE are we going to get stuff done during our busy lives? FINALLY started sorting the garage, which isn’t done yet, but is much improved. My car got to spend one glorious night in it before it got evicted again so that I could paint the new closet doors out of the wind.
Hubs had to work the holiday (what else is new? The stupid people never take off, so 911 never does either), so I took the opportunity to paint the guest room. Took the extraneous crap out of the room, pushed all the furniture to the middle, and went to town. It looks a lot better (no more spackle on the walls–in there at least). Have a nice paint print across the butt of my painting pants because there wasn’t a lot of room to maneuver and I bent over and hit my tush right against the freshly painted wall when I was reloading my roller. Awesome. And by some miracle, I did not get paint all over the carpet. I mean, obviously I had drop cloths on everything but the damn things are so cheap and thin, they kept bunching up every time I moved the ladder.
I got all the furniture back in place before dinner last night. Well, in place. I ended up rearranging some from what I had before. It’s better, I think. I ended up having room for a couple of random pieces I had stuck elsewhere. The new bifold doors for in there are painted and I hope to get them installed tonight. Then I’ll set to work on painting the set for hubby’s man cave, and that’ll be one more thing off the House To Do list and OUT OF THE GARAGE. WOO HOO!
Hubs still needs to pick a color for the man cave, and of course we have to get the paint and, you know, paint it. And hang the new curtains my mom found for in there. And then…the kitchen. I dread the kitchen. Twelve foot ceilings, LOTS to paint around. It’s going to be a multiday project, I suspect. Perhaps later in the fall I will just take off a couple of days from work attached to a weekend, and get it done. Once all the epic taping off and cutting in is done, the rest won’t be TOO horrible. And then NO MORE SPACKLE IN MY HOUSE (this really bugs me, in case you haven’t noticed).
But further projects shall have to wait. There’s the Evil Day Job that pays for them that must be dealt with first.
3 thoughts on “Laboring Over Labor Day”
you’re making me miss home improvement. that’s just… wrong. 😉
It’s so much fun to see the end results of all these projects. But the getting it done is so time consuming. You’ll get there. I have a week off in a couple of weeks, and I want to tackle some things at my house. The thing is, once things are done, they don’t STAY done. When my house was brand new, the paint was so pretty. After years with boys and animals…not so much. I did learn a valuable lesson. Yeah, flat paint looks nice. That’s what the painter suggested. No one told me that you can’t WASH STUFF OFF of flat paint. From now on, it’s going to be eggshell or satin or something. And semi-gloss in the bathroom.
Good luck with everything. You WILL feel a sense of accomplishment when it’s done.
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