In the past when I’ve done a new release, I have almost always done a giveaway of free review copies in exchange for honest reviews posted at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Goodreads, etc. I didn’t do that with Riven initially, partially because I wanted to see what it would do on its own in this more competitive self publishing climate, and partially because I’ve been super busy and focused on other stuff.
But the time has come! For ONE WEEK (until November 18th), I am offering free review copies to anyone willing to post an honest review of the book. I ask that you please post your review within a month (not that I can enforce this, but I’m really trying to beef up my number of reviews in time for the Christmas rush, so honor system here).
If you are interested, please send an email to kaitnolanwriter (at) gmail (dot) com, and I’ll send you a coupon code to Smashwords where you can get the format of your choice.
A permanent injury in the line of duty effectively ended Ian Ryker’s career as a Shadow Walker for the Council of Races. Being posted to a safe house in Washington, D.C. was one step short of forced retirement–until the day Marley Weiss, a local human woman, witnessed something she should never have seen. According to Mirus law, that glimpse of their world makes her life forfeit. Once, Ian might have followed orders to take her out. But not this time.