I haven’t watched the first episode of Season 4 yet (that’s my plan for lunch today), but I’ve been eagerly awaiting it. Hart of Dixie is one of those shows that kind of snuck in and got under my skin last year. Right after New Year’s, I was struck with a hideous stomach flu and was home for several days generally feeling like death warmed over. After I’d had my fill of period drama (aka Downton Abbey, which I still have not forgiven for the end of Season 3 and have not watched again), I stumbled onto Hart of Dixie.
I loved this show. It does, in my opinion, capture the charicatures and absurdities of life in the South in a way that’s far more accurate than MOST representations. I feel convinced that at least some of the writers are legitimately southern. We are a culture that embraces our crazies and have all kinds of strange traditions. As I was, at that time, finalizing the plot for To Get Me To You, it was exactly what I needed to watch to get my head in the right space for writing about the south in a way that people from outside would understand. And I blew through everything available.
If you haven’t watched the show at all and don’t want spoilers, you should totally leave now.
Still here? Okay then.
When I got through Season 1 I was absolutely shipping Zoe and George. They were PERFECT FOR EACH OTHER. When Zoe ended up with Wade, I was FURIOUS (even though the writer in me appreciated the conflict and pacing). I couldn’t see how Wade and Zoe could EVER really fit. And of course, I despised Lemon because you’re SUPPOSED to despise her. All the back and forth drove me nuts–when Zoe was available, George wasn’t. Then when George was available, Zoe wasn’t. And then she left. And then she came back. And then there was Joel who was all..wha??? And then he was gone and Zoe realized she was in love with Wade for real.
Somebody at some point compared Zoe to a hurricane, and this isn’t an inaccurate description. If she hadn’t shown up, George would’ve married Lemon, who would’ve remained stuck in her bitchy debutante who can’t do anything for herself role. Wade would never have made anything of himself. AB would never have stepped outside the zone of the Belles to date Lavon (and can I tell you how much I ship those two? Lavon had BETTER come to his senses this season!). Zoe upset the status quo, and that was a really fabulous thing all around because it caused GROWTH. And, of course, she grew too.
Left on her own, Lemon stepped out of her comfort zone and became a restauranteur. Not that she had experience at this–but she made it work (well, there was that awful fire at Fancy’s, but that’s another story). She gained confidence and became more tolerable and human. She’s becoming somebody that I can finally see George with (since I feel sure that’s where the writers are going with season 4). Wade wanted to become the kind of man Zoe could be proud of and he made something of himself (with the unlikely partner of Lemon–that was a fascinating thing to watch), and now she has to woo him back, which she swore to do at the end of season 3). And coming back to Lemon, now she’s gone off on this singles cruise, with both George and Lavon running after her (Lavon, honey, you need to get over this and realize that Anna Beth is perfect for you). So season 4 is going to be off with a bang, I feel sure. And there’s also the rumor I heard that Rachel Bilson (Zoe)’s real life pregnancy is going to be written into to the show–so WHO’S THE FATHER GOING TO BE? Lots of drama.
9 thoughts on “Something Southern: Who are you shipping on Hart of Dixie?”
I started watching one day kind of recently, then got hijacked by life and haven’t been back, so I’m still in season 1 and have therefore skipped a lot of your post. Who do you think I’m shipping? Zoe/Wade. George seems like a nice guy and all– and you know that’s part of the problem right there. Compared to the not always nice, rakish black sheep, who looks mighty fine in his frequent shirtless appearances, there’s just no contest. I also LOVE Lavon, especially when he talks about himself in the third person, and ship Lavon/Lemon.
Just finished season 1 (finally). Really?? She doesn’t deserve Wade.
I don’t blame you re: Downton Abbey. You do NOT want to know what the writers did to the Adorable Bateses in Ssn 4. SO. MAD. They’ve more than earned their happiness, dammit!
I will NEVER forgive Julian Fellowes. Never ever. Everyone knows the Adorable Bateses are sacred and therefore NOT to be touched. *growls*
Now I want to cry and I haven’t even SEEN season 4!
It’s not quite THAT bad (the Adorable Bateses live through it), but it was unnecessary. And gave me all the Angry Feels. (Altho I must admit to loving John Bates all the more for the way he handled things. Is there anyone classier than John Bates? I think not.)
<3 Bates!
wade and zoe are the best couple i have finished the series everyone i got addicted i was staying up 2am every day and it is one of the best shows i have watched. trust me the more you watch the more annoying george gets just keep watching the ending is the best ever spoiler leave now if you haven’t finished watching season 4 but wad and zoe end up together