HOC: 1829
Daily Goal: Met
Well the scene I wrote today won’t actually go IN the manuscript for quite a while. But I woke up this morning knowing Collin’s side of the story–why he did what he did ten years ago. And when he told me, I had to write it, had to tell Kensie. So that’s what I wrote. It’s still a bit rough, but I’m happy with it. And now I really need to pass out.
One thought on “Daily Progress Report”
Hi “Seanchai” or Storyteller!
My name is Katherine Lehr, and I am both a chief writer and editor. I recently came across your blog about your book House of Cards. I must say your account of writing your book has me completely engaged. As a writer myself, I found your daily progress reports both familiar and witty. But what caught my attention was that your daily reports allow other writers and students of writing access to a site that offers a real, intelligent, and educational account of what it means to be a writer and a thinker. I think that my website is a perfect compliment to the philosophy of a “seanachi” website, a website that is interested in stories and research. Your readers (and fellow writers) may find that our website offers them another resource for accessing important research tools and unique stories. I was wondering if you might consider adding our site to yours, perhaps under your “research” section.
I hope you will take a moment to review our site and assess its relevance and appeal to your readers. Please feel free to let me know if you have any questions.
Katherine Lehr
Editor, RandomHistory.com
p.s. I do think Kensie and Collin make a cute couple!