The Brain Dolls Are Coming!

The Brain Dolls are coming!

Actually, no, they’re already here, and have been ever since it popped into my head that Marin’s best friend Tate is in love with Marin’s brother Carter.  And what did I do next?  I put them in a cave in that would lead to a kiss as the set up for their book, which is next, and then went off on a tangent.  And then I brought Marin’s mother.  Who is adding absolutely nothing to the plot.  It’s not advancing my romance storyline or my murder storyline.  Gah.  I’m cranky and irritated and I’ve been struggling all week to get my words in.  And even though I’m pleased with some of what I wrote, I am now second guessing everything and considering massive revisions going back at least three scenes.

I’m presently at my office at work.  No one’s here.  I’ve got my nice dual screen monitors and my lovely T3 connection.  I am here, away from my DH, on a weekend, because I am supposed to be doing some work on my class in a big push to get things done.  I have three sections this fall, and they’re copying the template to each section shell on August 10th, so everything needs to be done by then, otherwise I have to go in and do it 3 times.  But of course I want to take advantage of the quiet and do a full read through to see if things go awry where I think they go awry and figure out what the hell to do about it.  I’ve got about three hours before I head home.  We’re going to see The Dark Knight at 2.

So what am I going to do?  My read-through, of course…

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