Til Death: 267
Daily Goal: Yeah really, I’m just not going to say met or not met for a while. Not until I get back to writing new material. It’s hard to set a daily goal when a lot of what I’m doing now is revising existing scenes–tweaking, which is fewer words and often more time consuming than writing fresh. I’ve finished up the additions and tweaks to Chapters 1 and 2. I’m into Chapter 3 now.
In other news, we have had the 3rd straight day of rain. My dogs are going stir crazy. So am I. Callie ate part of my good oriental rug (thankfully mostly tassels that can someday be repaired). She has to stay crated when we have to leave her in from now on. Period. Mostly the damage has been secondary–she’s chewing THROUGH her toys and through anything that’s underneath…meaning we’ve got to get better about leaving things in the floor.
3 thoughts on “Daily Progress Report (Otherwise Known As The 3rd Day Of The Flood)”
awwww. Hope it stops raining soon. We’ve got some rain and storms coming through here too. It’s like monsoon season or something.
Hi hope it stops raining soon! Here in New York it’s actually really beautiful.
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Thanks!! — Damon
The fringe is easily repairable, however, on some rugs it can be a little costly. Good luck with the pup!