Well imagine my delight when I woke up this morning to discover I was one of the winners of a Bookwish from PBW. Whee! Any book of my choice, up to $30. I decided on The Anatomy of Story by John Truby. It’s another one of the craft books I’ve heard wonderful things about. I got so much out of Goal, Motivation & Conflict, that I’d love to keep it up. Of course I’d really love to actually sit down and apply all that learning, but my class must come first.
On that front, yesterday I managed to get 2 lecture outlines written, transferred to PowerPoint, and full audio scripts written to go with them. I still have to deal with transitions and recording said audio, but that’s something I can live with doing after the semester begins. I want to get the content written over the holiday. That’s the most important. So good strides on day 1. We’re headed up to Tupelo for supper tonight with my dad, his wife, and my grandmother, so leaving early. I don’t expect to get but 1 finished today. Still, that’s not bad. I’m allowing myself off Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, as I have last minute baking and cleaning to do and I deserve SOME break. Anyway, I need to finish my tea and get cleaned up and get to it.