I hope everybody had a marvelous Christmas holiday!
Now that the house has been set mostly to rights and homes found for the new cookware and books and socks, I’m looking toward planning for next year. The name of the game is solidly launching my Wishful series and continuing to contribute to it. I’m working my way through another novella now (following Liam and Riley), and I plan to release another full length novel in the series by year’s end. Plus I’ve got a few fun things planned for here on the blog that I’ll tell you about as I get closer to actually launching them.
But for the series to be a success, I have to promote it, and in order to do that in a lot of venues, I need a minimum number of reviews, specifically AMAZON reviews. At bare minimum, I need 10 of them. There are quite a few of you who’ve read and enjoyed To Get Me To You and Be Careful, It’s My Heart and you’re awesome! But I need to impose on your awesomeness just a little bit further and ask you to go to Amazon and PUT IT IN WRITING! I know reviews are sometimes a pain in the patootie go remember to go do, but they’re so so important to authors. Amazon allows you to review products even if you did not purchase it there (though if you did, it’ll show up as a Verified Purchase). It needn’t be anything elaborate, just share your honest opinion of the story. Apart from the fact that I need them to exist, reviews aren’t FOR me, they’re for other readers. So please drop by and write a few lines if you’d like to see the series continue!
Thank you!
And in case you missed, it, Be Careful, It’s My Heart is ON SALE for 99 cents until the end of the month!

2 thoughts on “A Call To Wishful Fans!”
It’s so hard to get people to review because they always think “someone else will do it”. I finally got my ten for Fire Wizard after much begging. LOL. Btw, if it looks like my reviews disappeared, it’s because I changed the name people see on Amazon. I hate it when people say “oh, that’s a fellow author just trying to help her friends”. They don’t understand we’re readers, too! So I thought it was better to have a different name on reviews.
You are always so great about reviews! I appreciate it so much!