I had this really great post all about the origins of paranormal species in fiction and how to set yourself apart from the crowd. Then my browser froze and ate it. As I don’t have the time to pull my thoughts on that together again right this moment, I’ll save it for another day. In the meantime I am back at the Evil Day Job, trying desperately to get my head back in Grammar Nazi mode to work on this paper for my boss. It’s due for journal submission on the 15th, and I’m just now making my first pass at it for grammar and punctuation. I’ve already killed time sneaking in additional work on my various classes that are due to gear up soon and printing out things I can take with me to tomorrow’s annual retreat for EDJ (the name of the game is organization and getting every important thing I can think of scheduled in my planner for the next semester). I’ve trolled the supply closet in search of my favorite red pens (as I go through them at an alarming rate, which probably says a lot about my role in this team). And I’ve even pulled out the hat, which bears the grammar police emblem over there. I had it made a few months ago at Cafe Press since I do so much editing. I figure I migh tas well get a laugh out of it. But God it’s hard to get back in the groove. And it’s not like I haven’t been working all this time, but I was doing different stuff. And it makes a big difference that said stuff was for me, even though it wasn’t necessarily what I wanted to be doing. I am not enthused about tackling this paper and all its inherent tense shifts, misplaced commas, and neologisms. My boss is really bad about those. Not to mention all the citation issues. Bah, sometimes it sucks being the grammar authority.